Theine Free



Mélange Du Cap "Rooibos"

Flavoured rooibos
A bedtime treat worth savouring, with its vanilla notes and cocoa nibs.
100 g pouch
€9.50 €9.50 / 100g

We ship all over the world

  • Infusion Time 5'

  • Quantity 6g / 30cl

  • Temperature of infusion 95°C - 200°F

  • Time of the day Evening


Native to South Africa, the Aspalathus linearis, or Rooibos bush as it is commonly known, is a different plant from the tea plant, which gives a pleasant beverage with no caffeine and almost no tannin.

Mélange du Cap is a delicious blend of red tea, splinters of cocoa and vanilla pods.

Tea and dishes message

Pairs perfectly with raspberry tartlet.

Tea ingredients

rooibos (South Africa) (97%), flavour, cacao peel (1%)
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