Cocooning infusions

Take the time for an infusion, during the day or in the evening! Fruits, flowers, spices... Beneficial, tasty theine-free creations to share with the whole family.
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  1. Theine Free
    Menthe poivrée, Anis, Mélisse BIO - l’Herboriste N°52 - Palais des Thés

    Organic L’Herboriste No. 52 - Digestion

    Peppermint, Aniseed and Lemon balm
  2. Theine Free
    Tropical garden - Delectable herbal tea caffeine-free

    Tropical Garden

    Delectable herbal tea caffeine-free
  3. Theine Free
    Rooibos des Lords bio - Palais des Thés

    Organic Lords Rooibos

    Flavoured rooibos - Citrus
  4. Theine Free
    sur un nuage BIO - Palais des Thés

    Organic on a cloud - Peace

    Lavender, passionflower, valerian and chamomile notes
  5. Theine Free
    Organic L’Herboriste no. 74 - Sleep

    Organic L’Herboriste no. 74 - Sleep

    Lime flower, Chamomile, Orange blossom
  6. Theine Free
    à cœur joie BIO - Palais des Thés

    Organic pure joy - Optimism

    St. John's wort and tulsi with the tonic notes of orange
  7. Theine Free
    Jardin des Reines - Palais des Thés

    Queen's Garden

    Delectable herbal tea caffeine-free
  8. Theine Free
    dans ma bulle bio - Palais des Thés

    Organic in my bubble - Focus

    Ashwagandha, ginseng and cocoa notes
  9. Theine Free
    le bruit des vagues bio - Palais des Thés

    Organic by the sea - Escape

    Schisandra berries, peppermint and bergamot notes
  10. Theine Free
    Romantic Garden - Delectable herbal tea caffeine-free

    Romantic Garden

    Delectable herbal tea caffeine-free
  11. Theine Free
    Jardin de Vénus - Infusion du Louvre bio - Palais des Thés

    Venus Garden – Organic Louvre Infusion

    Organic Infusion with vanilla, orange and carob caffeine-...
  12. Theine Free
    Jardin d'enfance BIO - Palais des Thés

    Organic Childhood Garden

    Organic and delectable herbal tea caffeine-free
  13. Theine Free
    DETOX Balinaise BIO - Palais des Thés

    Organic Balinese Detox

    Caffeine-free infusion - Relaxing
  14. Theine Free
    Organic L’Herboriste verbena - Relaxation
  15. Theine Free
    Jardin Fruité - Palais des Thés

    Fruit Garden

    Delectable herbal tea caffeine-free
  16. Theine Free
    English Garden - Delectable herbal tea caffeine-free

    English Garden

    Delectable herbal tea caffeine-free

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Take the time for an infusion, during the day or in the evening! Fruits, flowers, spices... Beneficial, tasty theine-free creations to share with the whole family.

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