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“Golden ticket” Infusions du Louvre
Louvre Infusions 2022 golden ticket rules – Palais des Thés
Article 1 - Organisation of the contest
The company Palais des Thés (hereinafter referred to as the "organising company") registered in the Company's register with code B 339 752 636, and with registered offices at 10, rue Mercœur 75011 Paris FRANCE, is organising a contest on the website www.palaisdesthes.com, entitled "Louvre Infusions Golden Ticket" (hereinafter referred to as "the contest"), from 24/02/2022 at 10am.
Article 2 - Entry requirements
This contest is open to any natural person, either adults or children with parental permission, residing in France and across the world, with the exception of the staff at the organising company who are participating directly or indirectly in the organisation of the contest, as well as their families, and is limited to one entry and one win per household (same surname, same address).
The organising company may directly or indirectly carry out all necessary checks into participants. Any person who does not fulfil these conditions or refuses to prove they fulfil them will be prohibited from taking part in the contest, and will not receive the prize if they win. The organising company may ask any child participant to prove they have authorisation from a parent and disqualify any participant who cannot prove they have this authorisation.
Participation in the Contest implies unconditional acceptance of these rules.
Article 3 - Terms and conditions of participation
This contest will take place exclusively on www.palaisdesthes.com on the dates given in article 1. To participate in the contest, internet access and a valid email address are required. Participants must access the website www.palaisdesthes.com, log on to their account or create an account, and make an order including the following product(s): DV9540Z "Louvre Infusions – Venus Garden" and/or DV9550Z "Louvre Infusion – Egyptian Night".
Article 4 - Designation of the winners
20 winning tickets will be placed at random in 20 metal "Louvre Infusions" tins (10 winning tickets in DV9540Z "Louvre Infusion – Venus Garden" metal tins and 10 winning tickets in DV9550Z "Louvre Infusion – Egyptian Night" metal tins).
Each winning ticket will include a single-use number.
The winners in possession of a ticket should contact the customer service department within a month after receiving the ticket and provide the number written on the ticket.
After confirmation and authentication of the number by Palais des Thés customer service, the winners will receive a promotional code valid until 31/12/2022, allowing them to create a "Member" card for the Louvre Museum, valid for one year. In order to create this card, the winners will be asked for the following information: Last name, First name, Address, Postal code, City, Country, Date of birth, E-mail address, Telephone number and a digital photo.
Article 5 - Prizes
The contest includes the following prizes, given to valid participants that are declared to be the winners.
20 annual Louvre memberships with a unit value of €80 will be sent to the winners by letter. The annual Louvre membership will be valid for 12 months.
It will not be possible to exchange the prizes for their monetary value or for any other prize. In the event of force majeure, the organising company reserves the right to replace the prize won with another prize of an equivalent nature and value.
Article 6 - Identification of the winners and disqualification of entries
The participants give their consent for their identity and all the information in their account to be verified. Failure to respect these rules, as well as any fraud or attempts to cheat, regardless of the exact methods, will result in the disqualification of the entry of the perpetrator.
Article 7 - Changing the dates of the contest and expansion of the number of prizes
La société organisatrice ne saurait encourir une quelconque responsabilité, en cas de force majeure ou d’événements indépendants de sa volonté si elle était amenée à annuler le présent Jeu. Elle se réserve par ailleurs la possibilité de prolonger ou de limiter la période de participation, de le reporter ou en modifier les conditions, sa responsabilité ne pouvant être engagée de ce fait. Des additifs et modifications à ce règlement peuvent éventuellement être publiés pendant le Jeu. Ils seront considérés comme des annexes au présent règlement.
Article 8 - Use of the winners' identities
If they are declared the winners, it is expressly agreed that the Contest participants agree to allow the organising company to use their surname and first name, as well as the name of the town where they live, for advertising purposes, unconditionally and without restrictions, without these winners receiving any payment, rights or advantages other than receiving their prize.
Article 9 - Reimbursing the entry fees
Reimbursement of the postage fees for the payment request (2nd class stamp rates), may be obtained by written request to the organising company by attaching your bank details (or savings account details, or postal bank account details). Reimbursement of internet connection charges required to take part in the Contest, up to a limit of 3 minutes and not including use of a mobile, may be obtained by written request to the organising company, clearly providing the following information: forename, surname, full postal address, date and time of entry. The reimbursement request should include the details of a bank account, a savings account or a postal bank account, and a copy of your internet provider's invoice address to the participant, with the following information included: Both the exact type of service provided by the provider (unlimited, fixed, etc.) and the date and time that the internet was used to participate in the Contest, clearly highlighted or underlined by the participant. Given that in the current market, some internet service providers provide free or fixed-rate access to internet users, it is expressly agreed that any access to the website on a free or fixed basis (such as via fibre optic, broadband or leased line) shall not lead to any reimbursement, provided that the subscription to the internet service provider's services has been taken out by the internet user for general internet use and connecting to the website to participate in the Contest does not incur any additional costs for the participant. Costs for photocopying potential supporting documents will be reimbursed at €0.15 including tax per page.
Article 10 - Intellectual, literary and artistic property rights
The images used on the Contest website, the items depicted, the brands and trade named mentioned, the graphics, data and databases that make up the Contest website are the exclusive property of their respective holders and cannot be extracted, reproduced or used without the written authorisation of these holders, on pain of civil claims and/or criminal prosecution. Any resemblance between characters or parts of the Contest with other existent fictitious characters or parts of other games is purely coincidental and the organising company or its service providers cannot be held liable for this.
Article 11 - The french data protection act
The contact details of participants will be digitally collected and processed. In accordance with the French data protection act of 6 January 1978, each participant has the right to access, correction or removal of their information by sending a letter addressed to the organising company: Palais des Thés, Service Marketing (Marketing Department) - 10, rue Mercœur 75010 Paris France
Article 12 - The competent courts and interpretation of the rules
Any potential dispute regarding the interpretation of these rules will be decided by the organising company. Participation in this Contest requires unconditional acceptance of these rules in full, of the ethical rules in force online (netiquette, the code of conduct, etc.) as well as the laws and regulations in force in France, in particular the applicable regulations governing contests and lotteries. No response will be given to telephone or written requests concerning the interpretation of application of these rules, the mechanisms or the terms and conditions of the Contest, or the list of winners. In the event of a dispute, only a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt sent a maximum of 30 days after the end of the Contest will be admissible. With the exception of manifest errors, it is agreed that the information arising from the Contest systems of the organising company have probative force in any disputes with regard to connections or digital processing of said Contest-related information. Prior to any legal action regarding or in connection to these current rules (in particular their application or their interpretation), the participants shall use their best efforts to settle their disputes amicably and amiably with the organising company. The participants are subject to French regulations governing contests and competitions. Any dispute that cannot be settled amicably will be subject to the competent court of the head offices of the organising company, except in the event that public policy provisions state otherwise.