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Galette des Rois with Thé du Hammam Black Leaf
Serves 6-8
- easy
- 40min
- 40min

- 3 egg yolks
- 50 g caster sugar
- 20 g cornflour
- 250 ml/1 cup milk
- 1 vanilla bean
- 10 g plus 2 Tbsp for the frangipane
- 90 g butter, softened
- 100 g powdered sugar
- 2 eggs (100 g total) at room temperature plus 1 egg to glaze the pastry
- 100 g almond flour
- 40 g wheat flour
- 2 rounds puff pastry (25 cm diameter)
- Pinch of salt
- One fève
1. The pastry cream
- In a large mixing bowl, combine the 3 egg yolks and the sugar.
- Add the cornflour.
- Heat the milk to 90°C / 195°F and steep the 10 g of tea for 5 minutes, then remove the tea.
- Split the vanilla bean in half lengthwise, then add to the milk and bring to a boil.
- Pour the milk over the egg + sugar mixture while stirring vigorously.
- Put the mixture back into the saucepan over low heat and slowly bring to a boil.
- Stir often until the pastry cream thickens, then pour it into a bowl to cool.
- Top the pastry cream with a piece of clingfilm (making sure it touches the surface of the cream) until you are ready to use it.
2. The frangipane
- In a mixing bowl, combine the butter and powdered sugar.
- Add the 2 eggs, flour, and almond flour. Stir to obtain an even consistency.
- Add 200 g of your pastry cream and the remaining 2 tablespoons of tea, then mix.
3. Assembling the galette
- Preheat the oven to 180°C / 350°F.
- Place one round of puff pastry on a baking sheet and prick the bottom with a fork.
- Spread the frangipane in the centre, leaving 2 cm / 1 in around the outside.
- Hide the fève in your frangipane. Brush the edges of the pastry round with water.
- Place the second puff pastry on top and press gently so that it sticks to the frangipane.
- Seal the edges by pressing with your fingertips or a fork.
- Beat the remaining egg with a pinch of salt, and use the mixture to glaze the top of the galette.
- Use a knife to score a decorative pattern onto the top without cutting through to the filling.
- Bake for 40 minutes.