
The teas in our collection come in a wide variety of types: green, black, white, dark, oolong, plain or flavoured... Discover our selection of the finest single-estate teas as well as our exclusive flavoured creations, both in loose and bagged formats!
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Moment de la journée
  1. Best-seller
    Thé des Alizés - Flavoured green tea - Fruity

    Alizes Winds Tea

    Flavoured green tea - Fruity
  2. Limited Edition
    Ba Bao Cha du Dragon bio - Palais des Thés

    Organic Dragon’s Ba Bao Cha

    Gourmet and floral flavoured blend of oolong and green tea.
  3. Limited Edition
    Le Thé Magnifique - Palais des Thés

    Organic Le Thé Magnifique

    Green tea, pear, vanilla and almond
    €13.00 €1.00 / 100g
  4. Best-seller
    Grand Yunnan Imperial, Black Tea - Palais des Thés

    Grand Yunnan Impérial

    Black tea from Yunnan, China
  5. New
    Limoncha - Palais des Thés

    Organic Limoncha

    Black and green teas, roasted rice, almond and lemon
  6. Best-seller
    Grand Jasmin Chun Feng

    Grand Jasmin Chun Feng

    Flavoured green tea - Floral
  7. Best-seller
    Thé du Louvre - Côté Jardin - Garden Tea - Palais des Thés

    Thé du Louvre - Garden Tea

    Green tea, apple, plum & quince
  8. Best-seller
    Chai Impérial - Flavoured black tea - Spicy

    Imperial Chai

    Flavoured black tea - Spicy
  9. Grand cru
    Dharamsala Smoked - Palais des thés

    Dharamsala Smoked

    Smoked black tea from Kangra, India
  10. Best-seller
    Thé du Louvre - Côté Cour - Courtyard Tea - Palais des Thés

    Thé du Louvre - Courtyard Tea

    Black tea, citrus & blackberry
  11. New
    Organic Genmaicha Yama

    Organic Genmaicha Yama

    Green tea with roasted brown rice from Japan
  12. Best-seller
    Goût Russe 7 agrumes - Flavoured black tea - citrus

    7 Citrus Russian Blend

    Flavoured black tea - citrus
  13. New
    Grand Yunnan Impérial - BIO - Palais des Thés

    Organic Grand Yunnan Impérial

    Black tea from Yunnan, China
  14. Grand cru
    Huo Shan Huang Ya Pre-Qingming

    Huo Shan Huang Ya Pre-Qingming

    Yellow tea from Anhui, China - 2024 New Season tea
  15. Best-seller
    Matcha Impérial BIO - Palais des Thés

    Organic Matcha Imperial

    High-quality matcha
  16. Grand cru
    Puttabong DJ 70 F.T.G.F.O.P.

    Puttabong DJ 70 F.T.G.F.O.P.

    Black tea from Darjeeling, India - 2024 first flush
  17. Grand cru
    Lizahill DJ 5 Clonal Flowery F.T.G.F.O.P.1

    Lizahill DJ 5 Clonal Flowery F.T.G.F.O.P.1

    Black tea from Darjeeling, India - 2024 first flush
  18. La Lavande - Palais des Thés


    Flavoured oolong - Floral
    €13.50 €1.00 / 100g
  19. Best-seller
    Montagne bleue - Flavoured black tea - Fruity & gourmet

    Blue Mountain

    Flavoured black tea - Fruity & Gourmet
  20. Best-seller
    DETOX Brésilienne BIO - Palais des Thés

    Organic Brazilian Detox

    Flavoured green tea - Energy

252 items Additional products are loaded on page scroll

The teas in our collection come in a wide variety of types: green, black, white, dark, oolong, plain or flavoured... Discover our selection of the finest single-estate teas as well as our exclusive flavoured creations, both in loose and bagged formats!

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