
The teas in our collection come in a wide variety of types: green, black, white, dark, oolong, plain or flavoured... Discover our selection of the finest single-estate teas as well as our exclusive flavoured creations, both in loose and bagged formats!
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  1. Best-seller
    Green Of London - Earl Grey Mao Feng- Flavoured green tea

    Green of London

    Flavoured green tea - citrus
  2. Best-seller
    Thé des Songes Blanc - Palais des Thés

    White Dreamy Tea

    Flavoured white tea - Floral & fruity
  3. New
    Darjeeling Shanti bio - Palais des Thés

    Organic Darjeeling Shanti

    Black tea from Darjeeling, India
  4. Paris for you by night - BIO - Palais des Thés

    Organic Paris for you by night

    Black tea, citrus and spices
  5. Best-seller
    Genmaicha Yama - Palais des Thés

    Genmaicha Yama

    Japanese green tea
  6. Best-seller
    Fleur de Geisha - Flavoured green tea - Floral & fruity

    Geisha Flower

    Flavoured green tea - Floral & fruity
  7. Best-seller
    Christmas Limited Edition - Palais des Thés

    Tea from the Stars

    Flavoured green tea - Gourmet
  8. Best-seller
    Earl Grey Queen Blend BIO - Palais des Thés

    Organic Earl Grey Queen Blend

    Organic flavoured black tea
  9. Butterfly Of Taiwan - Palais des Thés

    Butterfly of Taiwan

    Oolong tea from Taiwan
    €15.00 €1.00 / 100g
  10. Best-seller
    La Menthe Glaciale - Palais des Thés

    Icy Mint

    Green tea and peppermint
  11. Best-seller
    Darjeeling Margaret's Hope - Palais des Thés

    Darjeeling Margaret's Hope

    Black tea from Darjeeling, India
  12. Best-seller
    Flavoured black tea - Spicy & Gourmet - Palais des Thés

    Lovers Tea

    Flavoured black tea - Spicy & Gourmet
  13. Grand cru
    Organic Malate Green Delight

    Organic Malate Green Delight

    Green tea from Ilam, Nepal - 2024 first flush
  14. New
    Golden Assam bio - Palais des Thés

    Organic Golden Assam

    Black tea from Assam, India
  15. Best-seller
    Long Jing, China Green Tea - Palais des Thés

    Long Jing

    Green tea from Zhejiang, China
  16. Jejudo Impérial BIO - Palais des Thés
  17. Best-seller
    Milky Oolong - Palais des Thés

    Milky Oolong

    Oolong deliciously milky and sweet
  18. Thé des Gourmets - Flavoured black tea, gourmet and fruity

    Gourmet Tea

    Flavoured black tea, gourmet and fruity
  19. Best-seller
    Thé des Sables - Flavoured green tea - Fruity & floral

    Sahara Tea

    Flavoured green tea - Fruity & floral
  20. Tamaryokucha Imperial

    Tamaryokucha Imperial

    Japanese green tea

252 items Additional products are loaded on page scroll

The teas in our collection come in a wide variety of types: green, black, white, dark, oolong, plain or flavoured... Discover our selection of the finest single-estate teas as well as our exclusive flavoured creations, both in loose and bagged formats!

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